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Core Competencies

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Core Competencies

Global Business Logistics Solutions Pvt Ltd core business is to provide Express distribution, Air Freight Services, Ocean Freight services, Ground Transportation Services, Courier services, Warehousing, Project Management and all transportation related services within India and outside India. All these transportation services are mainly related to movement of goods within India know as Domestic services and outside India known as Imports and Exports facilitating the Importers and Exporters in transporting the goods , doing customs clearance and delivering the goods through multi modal transportation network.
Global Business Logistics Pvt Ltd will work with vendors and service providers like customs clearance agents, IATA agents, Commercial Airlines, suppliers and global business partners within India and outside India who can help and support in carrying out the transportation logistics needs required for Importers & Exporters.
Global Business Logistics Pvt Ltd will continue to excel in providing transportation services like Door to Door, Door to Airport, Airport to Door, Airport to Airport through various modes like Air Freight Services, Ocean Freight services, Ground Transportation Services, Courier services to its Domestic Customers, Importers in India and Exporters based in India.
GBLS is a platform as one stop shop to cater to all your shipping needs.

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